Saturday, 22 February 2014

Belajar AutoCAD 2006 dalam Masa 5 Jam??

Seperti tajuk di atas, belajar AutoCAD dalam masa 5 jam? biar betol??!!

ye, hari ni aku baru sahaja start belajar AutoCAD, 5 jam,,hanya bergurukan internet dan youtube.....

ye, memang betol lah 5 jam, so apa masalahnya? aku tak cakap pun aku mahir....haha..aku masih lagi NEWBIE,, kurang pengetahuan dan kurang pengalaman mengenai AutoCAD..

tapi dalam masa 5 jam tu, banyak jugak la yang dipelajari..boleh lah jugak lukis diagram seperti ini:

klik untuk besarkan

sebelum ni, tengok orang guna autocad, nampak macam hebat je..laju je tangan..kejap tekan z, kejap tekan tu kejap tekan ni...tapi sekarang aku tak kurang hebatnya macam diorang tu...hahaha...

tak susah pun sebenarnya kalau anda ada sumber yang betol untuk dipelajari...tapi kebanyakan sumber sumber kat dalam internet ini berbahasa inggeris....sebab itu lah bahasa inggeris ini penting sekarang...kalau kita mahir english, nak belajar apa-apa ilmu dalam internet pun jadi mudah...

so jika anda yang baca ni, masih bersekolah, belajar lah bahasa inggeris rajin-rajin...bukan bahasa inggeris je, subjek-subjek lain pun belajar lah rajin-rajin supaya mudah kita mempelajari benda yang lebih advance lagi pada masa yang akan datang...

dalam autocad ni pun ada sedikit ilmu matematik yang kita belajar kat sekolah dulu..

Dalam mempelajari benda baru dalam hidup anda, satu lagi perkara yang perlu anda ada,,iaitu BERANI mencuba, sabar dan jangan cakap susah....

aku sebelom ni dah ada software autocad dalam komputer...tapi setakat install je, tak guna langsung...sebab bila buka je, terus tutup balik, sebab tak tahu nak buat apa....dan rasa macam susah...

cuba anda cakap senang, supaya OTAK anda rasa nak belajar (kalau cakap SUSAH, memang anda akan rasa malas nak belajar, so cakaplah  "alahhh senang je ni"),,,dan bila dah ada perasaan nak belajar tu, terus GOOGLE dalam internet berkenaan TUTORIAL autocad, ataupun boleh belajar dengan kawan-kawan, saudara mara yang pandai AutoCAD....

kena BERANI MENCUBA...dan kena ada SABAR.....

ambik satu diagram dalam internet, and then cuba buat balek diagram tu menggunakan, untuk mula-mula ni memang perlu tahap kesabaran yang TINGGI sikit....sebab takut nanti bila dah buat sikit, terus "arghhh susahnya, malas la buat"...jangan ada sikap macam ni ye, kawan kawan...

ok ...GOOD LUCK...


ini adalah gambaran bilik gua..baru tadi je lukis..ini lukisan simple je ni..ada lagi power lukis betul2 nampak REAL,, ilmu 5 jam je, macam ni la gamaknya....ini gambar bkn 3D nih (cuba tgk kat axis tu, ada Y dan X sahaja)...insyaAllah lepas ni nak belajar 3D (tambah satu lagi axis,,,axis Z (elevation))

Friday, 21 February 2014

Akhirnya Tombol Pintu Berjaya Dibuka

KLIK>>> Teknologi Yang Menguji Tahap Kesabaran Kita apabila ianya bermasalah (TOMBOL PINTU !!!!) <<<<KLIK


ok..kat atas tu adalah link artikel yang sebelum ni menceritakan masalah berkaitan tombol pintu yang tidak boleh dibukak walaupun tidak berkunci!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... WHAT THE FART, man !!!!!!!!!!!

sekarang, masalah itu dah setel.....caranya senang gila nak mampus....

artikel sebelum ni menceritakan aku menggunakan botol air coke besar kan...ok kaedah tu boleh pakai kalau TAK ADA satu benda ni....iaitu KAD BANK...guna KAD BANK...kalau takde kad bank, baru lah boleh pakai BOTOL COKE.....

ok..sebenarnya aku dah try guna kad yang lebih kurang sama iaitu kad SIM....

ni dia gambar,,

ini adalah teori aku mula2 tadi...iaitu membengkokkan kad itu dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan kita menyelit kad itu ke dalam lantas menekan butang pintu itu...tetapi tidak berjaya dan mental aku tewas dengan kaedah ini....

akhirnya aku cuba menGOOGLE di dalam internet....dan mendapati ramai yang mengatakan "slide KAD BANK"......

dalam kepala benak aku, tadi dah guna kad, TAK JADI PUN....

aku baca balek ayat orang-orang di internet itu, "SLIDE KAD BAND".....SLIDE bohhh!! faham dok SLIDE???

so, aku ambil kad yang baru...iaitu kad BANK CIMB aku.....mula2 aku try dulu kat pintu aku...aku slide slow-slow,, jangan kasar2..(sebenarnya aku buat slow2 pasal tak nak rosakkan kad tu,, tapi tak sangka sebenarnya ia adalah method yang betol) aku rilex je...tapi pressure sikit lah dkt kad tu tyme slide....ketak!!! menjadi!!

aku try pula pada pintu dapur...slide dari bawah,,,ehh apasal tak jadi??...aku pun try slide dari atas plak....tak jadi aku ubah posisi kad tu, tak jadi...ubah lagi...try slide..kasi pressure sikit....KETAK!!!! menjadi!!!!!!!! haha...

ini dia kad aku lepas menjadi mangsa kepada tombol pintu...

 korang mesti tengok nombor kad tu kan? nak curi duit lettew....tak dak guna..kad ni dah deactivate sebenarnya...tapi aku masih sayang kad ini..sebab tu tadi kasi slow2 je...haha....apa2 pun aku bertambah sayang pada kad ini apabila ia telah menyelesaikan masalah aku....aku akan letak dalam frame dan menggantungkannya pada dinding...

ini pula gambar perbandingan pintu aku yang dah rosak dan pintu bilik aku yang masih lagi OK..
nampak tak perbezaanya..????

oklah rasanya penulisan aku berakhir setakat ini sahaja....

kesimpulannya di sini,
benda ni sebenarnya memerlukan TAHAP KESABARAN yang agak tinggi disertai dengan pengalaman dan sedikit SKILL dan TEKNIK dalam mencapai kejayaan dalam membuka pintu...

 semoga artikel ini dapat membantu anda yang sedang rungsing, sakit hati, resah dalam menghadapi masalah pintu terkunci...ok


Teknologi Yang Menguji Tahap Kesabaran Kita apabila ianya bermasalah (TOMBOL PINTU !!!!)

Teknologi ialah sesuatu benda yang diciptakan oleh manusia untuk memudahkan dan menyenangkan kerja manusia...Semakin hari teknologi semakin canggih... begitu juga dengan tombol pintu..nak kunci pintu senang je,, tekan butang kunci, tutup je pintu...dan kita tidak boleh masuk tanpa kuncinya.....hebat kan teknologi ni...

 tapi sekarang ramai orang telah menaiktarafkan lagi tombol pintu ini dengan menambahkan sedikit barang elektronik...contohnya, tombol pintu yang ada butang, bila nak masuk, taip password, then boleh masuk...atau tombol pintu yang ada fingerprint reader.....dan macam-macam lagi lah....

TETAPI,,,,,,walaupun bermacam-macam jenis tombol pintu elektronik telah dicipta, tombol pintu yang bulat (gambar kat bawah tu) yang ada kat rumah kita tu masih ramai lagi yang menggunakannya ....kerana apa? kerana harga murah, dan keselamatannya masih lagi terjamin....

aku bebel panjang-panjang bukan lah kerana apa pun...bukan sebab saje nak tambah posting ke apa...tapi cuma tension.....tekanan jiwa kerana pintu kat rumah aku ni selalu saja buat masalah..tapi kadang-kadang sebab silap aku sendiri jugak...

hari tu keluar bilik nak mandi...bila nak masuk balik, pintu plak terkunci..adehh....last-last dapat solution iaitu potong botol air coke besar, dan bentukkan kat hujung tu bentuk curve....letak sedikit minyak masak,, then slide je kat pintu tu banyak kali.. benda ni memang perlukan kesabaran dan ketahanan mental...slide banyak kali dan laju,...naik turun naik turun naik turun laju laju and then KETAKKKKKKK!!! terbuka pintu akhirnya.....

tapi masalah tu walaupun sakit jiwa,, tapi takde lah rasa nak marah sangat,, sebab memang kesilapan sendiri pun...

apa yang menyebabkan mental aku diuji oleh teknologi ini adalah apabila pintu dapur aku ni tidak berfungsi..boleh pulas tapi tak boleh bukak pintu....apa kejadahnya semua ni...... aku try slide pakai botol coke...tetap tak jadi...apa kejadahnya...akhirnya aku membuat keputusan untuk meleraikan tombol tu.. aku cucuk jarum kat lubang tepi tombol tu dan tarik tombol tu...tapi TAK BOLEH TARIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhh!!!!!!... so sekarang ini aku tengah berpikir....tekak dah kehausan air ni,, tapi pintu DAPUR TAK BOLEH BUKAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghh!! sekarang aku dah terbayang bayang air sejuk mengalir ke dalam tekak aku...

macam mana ni ya????

SETENGAH JAM SELEPAS  ARTIKEL INI diPUBLISH,,,,akhirnya bertemu solusi
KLIK>>> Akhirnya Tombol Pintu Berjaya Dibuka <<<KLIK

Monday, 10 February 2014

List of Food in Malaysia & List of The BEST restaurant in Malaysia

List of the BEST restaurant in Malaysia

List of Food in Malaysia

p/s: I will update the list from time to time

Durian Crepe!! Only in Malaysia

Durian Crepe is the one of the most very delicious dessert in Malaysia.

It is actually made of Durian, cream and wrapped by fried mixture of flour...

DURIAN, is the king of fruit in don't know DURIAN, means you're not MALAYSIAN...haha

I think almost all Malaysian love durian. Although the smell are a little smelly (not little, but very smelly). But when it come into your mouth, WOW!!! you can't say a word. So delicious.

Last year, I heard about durian crepe. Many people said it is very delicious. You will never STOP eating the dessert once you try it. So I said I wanna try it. I bought it from my friend. The price are a little bit expensive, but you can afford it.

I try it.. yessssssssss... It is very delicious.. More more more more delicious than eating only DURIAN.

DURIAN+CREAM = you can't forget the taste.

YOU! Malaysian, you must know the taste!! You must try!

For non-Malaysian, come here in Malaysia and try it yourself.

Delicious like (*&#($*^(#@*&$... Dont know what to say....just come here and try it.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Coke Susu (Coke Plus Milk)

It's sounds very weird, right?

But here it is, I'm making 'Coke Susu' just now. Very delicious.

The taste is like a coke but with smooth feeling (or Malay call Coke dengan rasa berlemak manis sedikit). Very aummmm.. Don't know what to say...

How to make it????

Very super duper simple

  1. Take a spoon of milk (Susu Pekat Manis), put into a glass
  2. Pour Coke into the glass
  3. Stir it slowly with spoon until it become brownish.
  4. That's all

Sup Kosong + Ayam Goreng + Nasi Buatan Sendiri

Today, I'm cooking some soup, fried chicken to be eaten with rice. Actually this is my first time making sup kosong, ayam goreng & nasi. But although first time, it is actually very delicious. Haha

So this is how I'm cooking.

Firstly, prepare the ingredients:

For SUP KOSONG(soup):

  1. One inch ginger
  2. Seulas bawang putih (garlic)
  3. Knorr Secukup rasa
  4. Pati ayam cube adabi
  5. Garam
  6. White pepper powder
  7. A bowl of water
  8. Potato

For Fried Chicken:

  1. Turmeric powder (serbuk kunyit)
  2. Salt
  3. A little water 

So, for sup kosong (soup):

  1. Firstly, you need 2 spoon of cooking oil and slice seulas bawang putih (garlic) and one inch ginger very fine, (or just blended them).
  2.  Cook it together gether (adoiii susahnya nak explain masak memasak dalam bahasa omputih ni,,xpelah, layan je la ok?)
  3. After you cook it in about 5 minutes, pour a bowl of water.
  4. Slice a potato into 6 part (or it's up to you) and put it into the soup.
  5. Take 1/4 of a cube pati ayam adabi, a spoon of salt and a little white pepper powder and put it into the soup.
  6. Lastly put the Knorr Secukup Rasa into your soup.
  7. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and it is DONE!!!


For fried chicken, it is very easy:

  1. Firstly, heat the cooking oil.
  2. Pour a little water into a bowl
  3. Add 2 spoon of Tumeric Powder and 2 spoon of salt into the bowl
  4. Stir it together and then put your chicken into the bowl
  5. Coat the chicken with the mixture.
  6. When your cooking oil  hot, put your chicken into the oil.
  7. Just fry it for about 15 minutes and it is DONE!

so now you can eat with rice...

very simple and easy, but it is very delicious and can full your stomach...
 you can try it !

'Amat Burger & Jus Buah Gelas Besar' Restaurant, Kg Dato' Keramat, Kuala Lumpur

Restoran Amat Burger dan Jus Buah Gelas Besar. In Dato Keramat, Kuala Lumpur, people around there should know this restaurant. The restaurant is popular with their 'Jus Buah Gelas Besar' (Fruit Juice with Big Glass). Every night, there will be so many people 'lepak' there.

Sometimes I also 'lepak' and have some juice there. My favourite, Dragon Fruit Juice. There are also burger, satay, 'goreng-goreng' food, 'taufu bakar' and many more.

I had try it's burger. Not so bad. Delicious. Also the 'taufu bakar', very nice. I like the 'sambal belacan' and some nut eaten with 'taufu bakar'. Really delicious.

And my favourite, 'Kuey Teow Goreng', really awesome. Actually, all restaurant, I love 'Kuey Teow Goreng' so much, because it is my favourite!!!

Satay? ..... hurmmmm.. I have not tried yet..

'Keropok Lekor Goreng' are also there, very nice and delicious.. Just as yummy as 'keropok lekor' from Kuala Terengganu....

So come 'lepak' here...
Try it yourself...

Saturday, 8 February 2014

HR Steak House Restaurant, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur

18 January 2014, first time I came here with my friend. Actually my special friend. A girl. So I don't want to explain much. You understand yourself.

Before this, I just heard from my friends that HR Steak House Restaurant is very "terbaik". "Terbaik" means the price are worthwhile with the taste of the steak. And the restaurant's atmosphere are very peace, calm. You will feel comfortable here. You can see the workers cook the steak. One thing you don't like about the restaurant, is that you will feel very BORED waiting for your dish arrive. But nevermind because, when the steaks arrive, the steaks are hot and delicious, and the price is not too high and not too low. But you can afford it no matter you're students, married, single, old or no matter who you are, you can "lepak" here.

So after I heard all the very interesting story about the HR Steak House Restaurant, I decided to take my 'special' friend to the Restaurant. First time came in, WOW! I like the atmosphere. Very classic but nice, beautiful.

We chose our table and took our sit. After a few minutes, a worker there came to take order. So, I choose Beef Chop and she choose Morroco Lamb Chop. Drink, me Apple Juice and she Lychee Juice.

We wait, less than 10 minutes, our FOOD and DRINK arrive. So this story "One thing you don't like about the restaurant, is that you will feel very BORED waiting for your dish arrive." are wrong! You don't need to wait until you feel very bored.

So now it's time to EAT!


I don't think it's hot. I feel like normal beef chop. She also say the same thing. So one more story "when the steaks arrive, the steaks are hot and delicious," are wrong also!

But however, luckily she like it. She love eat with me here.

I don't know. Maybe like others, people just LOVE to "LEPAK" here. The steaks are not too good but there so many PEOPLE here. Family, couple, oldman, teen, all categories of human are here.

However, the price is worthy.

You can come here, you will not regret it. :)

Earn Money from your house, No Need To Go Outside ---> FOREX TRADING

Earn money from your house without leaving the house??????


There are many ways and many program that said can make you rich without doing anything.

"WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING"?? Actually the statements are liar.

The difference between making MONEY in your house and outside your house is

1. Work in front of computer using internet
2. Work outside house

That is the difference. You just sit in front of your computer and connect the internet. But still you MUST WORK!!!!

So, I heard a programme "FOREX TRADING".

What is FOREX?

FOREX is actually Foreign Exchange Rates. So it means like you change your country's currency to another currency. So your work is just to EXCHANGE the CURRENCY and you will get PROFITS.

It is like a game, just click SELL or BUY..

Seems like very easy, right??? But actually in FOREX, you must have a brilliant BRAIN to determine when you must BUY or SELL. Once you mistaken, maybe you will get a lot of LOSS!

So before you start trading FOREX, I want you to know that 95% of people who join FOREX suffer losses. Only 5% are riches with FOREX.

But don't worry, don't scare.

If you are really want to know and to learn FOREX,

Go to this site, you must learn first! LEARN until you completely understand about FOREX.
Then, start a demo account. If you feel confident about your knowledge, you can start trading FOREX.


p/s: actually i'm also learning from the site. But I'm still not ready yet for start trading FOREX.. :-p

Old car, Old Spark Plug Distributor, Kereta Perodua Kancil

Do you all know Perodua Kancil car? As Malaysian, you should know the car. If you don't know about the car, you actually are not Malaysian. Haha. But seriously. Perodua Kancil are very old car. But because of the price are lower than other car, and also the fuel consumption are lower than other car,, the car still being used by Malaysian whose are cannot afford other beautiful fast car.

I am the one of the Kancil car users. I have Kancil 660cc.

So in recent years, my Kancil got some problem with the RPM meter. Usually, the RPM should stay at 1.2k. But now RPM become fluctuated. Sometimes it will down below 1.2k. Sometimes up. And sometimes the engine will shut off itself. And lastly (4 February 2014), the engine cannot be start. The starter motor crank the engine, but the engine cannot start.

I do make a research from Internet and I found that there have some problem with the CONTACT BREAKER POINT (normally Malaysian just call CONTACT POINT). The location of the CONTACT POINT is INSIDE the distributor. You open the DISTRIBUTOR CAP, and you will find the contact point.

In repairing(or replace) contact breaker point, the very important thing is the GAP between the TWO contact point. The GAP must be in between 0.05mm to 0.15mm. I usually use FEELER gauge to make sure the GAP is 0.10mm.

FEELER gauge usually is designed in hundredths milimeter. It means if the value on the FEELER GAUGE is 10, so it means the true value is 0.10mm. If the value 5, so it means 0.05mm. That's it.

So I try to repair the car myself. The tools that I use are:

  1. Spanner 12mm
  2. Screw driver
  3. Feeler gauge

Use 12mm Spanner to remove the DISTRIBUTOR from the engine. There are two clips on the DISTRIBUTOR. Open the clips to OPEN the DISTRIBUTOR CAP. And you will see the contact point inside there. Just use your screw driver to adjust the GAP. Use feeler gauge to make sure the GAP are in exact value.

After done, I re-assemble the part and try to start the engine.

The motor crank the engine. In few seconds, the car are sucessfully STARTED. haha. That's it. First time I repaired my car myself.

Fresh Vegetable, Beef, Chicken, Fish in Kuala Lumpur

As muslim, I must eat something 'halal'. I live in Sungai Besi almost 7 months, but I still can't find shop that sell beef or chicken with 'HALAL' logo. In this 7 months, first shop that I go is Giant Store in Desa Petaling. Although the shop sell all goods that I need but still can't satisfies me because firstly the shop sell LIQUOR (or Malay people call 'ARAK'). That is HARAM in ISLAM. Second thing is the beef, chicken and also fish are sold by Chinese people. I do not say Chinese people are disgusting, but because they are not MUSLIM and I worried if those things are NOT HALAL for me. 

So after a few months, I found another shop, I found HERO stores in Bandar Sri Permaisuri. The shop are not so far from my house. The shop are also good. More goods are sold there but also the same problem, that is the chicken, beef and fish are sold by Indian people. They also are not MUSLIM. So same reasons I'm afraid that those thing are NOT HALAL for me.

After almost 7 months, today(8 February 2014) I found another shop, Q-Mart Stores (as the picture below). Also in Bandar Sri Permaisuri. Workers in this shop almost all are Malay. The shops are clean. So tommorow, I will go to this shop again buying some chicken meat and another goods. Haha...

 Q-Mart near 99 Speedmart and Orange Internet Cafe


People call me Soul or sometimes some people call me Shams. I'm male, 22 years old, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Actually I'm just finishing my study in Mechanical Engineering. And I'm also just start working in a small construction company.

I know blogspot or blogger for almost  5 years and actually a long time ago I'm also blogging. But I stop blogging since I'm busy to my study. So here i am now, try to start blogging again with my new gmail.

As the title at the header above "Share My Mind, Share My Life", I will share to you what I know and what I learn from day a day in my life. I will share anything about what happen in my life, not only about me, also about car, computer, technology, good restaurant in KL, tutorial, and many more.

So, that's all for now. Just wait for my next post.